Well, it seems that with the change to Daylight Savings that Spring is actually here. Along with the anticipation and the birth of new plants and animals, I must recognize the responsibilities that arrive with the Season. The yard is full of winter debris ; branches, stones, the ubiquitous plastic grocery bags and mole hills, giant mole hills that look like the work of some crazed prairie dog that lost his way to Albuquerque. After all this is picked up and hauled away to the proper place we move on to step 2. This clean-up requires one of Mike's make-do inventions that involves a length of fence, some 4x4s, a couple of concrete blocks and sometimes the springs of my vintage glider. He then pulls this contraption behind the tractor to de-thatch, drag and rake all at once. Works for me!
Now on to the really fun stuff- opening the Pond. I won't bore you with details but rest assured it involves smelly water, lots of mud, a few dead frogs and heavy labor, Oh...and a lot of cursing. Then it's on to the flower beds, the vegetable garden, the pruning, the raking, ad infinitum.
The point of all this; I must change my habits. All winter long I've been waiting to "do" the computer until after Messrs. Stewart and Colbert , which puts me at the laptop at midnight. Now ...go through 60 -70 emails. Log on to Facebook, where I look at every post and picture and because it's hard for me to keep my opinions to myself, comment on most of them. On to the Word Games. Don't get me wrong. I love all of them, but when it 2am it's hard to come up with those high-score words.
So I leave FB and move on to my Blog...must check the stats everyday, then read the blogs of people I'm following. A lot of talented people out there.
Now, my latest infatuation, FlickR. I can't stop myself from clicking that Reload button just "one more" time; so many beautiful and thought provoking photos to study. Now it's 2:45 and I finally Log Off, but my brain isn't ready to shut down and requires a book and at least 1/2 hour of reading...."read to me Patti"....before I can get to sleep. Finally at 3:30 it's lights out. Needless to say, an early rise is usually not in the cards. I know I'll never be one of those annoying "morning people" that's up at the crack of dawn ready to go. They should all be restricted to an island somewhere so reasonable people can sit and drink their coffee and do their Crosswords for at least an hour. Seems reasonable, right?
Long story long...I have to change. From now on my computer time will be restricted to early afternoon and evening. Much of my writing I do with a good old fashioned pen and paper and it's done whenever or wherever it demands.
BTW, my work in progress, a MG/YA novel is giving me fits!
More on that later. I think I feel a nap coming on.
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